Sausage Casings & Skins


The most popular diameter of sausage are 19mm, 22mm and 23mm for chipolata type sausages, 26mm or 28mm for the larger breakfast and B.B.Q sausage and 30mm or 32mm for larger bratwurst size sausages.

The size of sausage will normally be to your own preference but if you're a novice sausage maker using slightly larger skin will allow for a little overfilling to prevent your sausages bursting when being filled or cooked. The sausage casing will need to be bigger than the diameter of the nozzle on your sausage feeding machine but typically the nozzle is small to allow a slow, steady pace of your mix to fill the casings.

Tongmaster recommends Collagen skins as they are easier to hand-link than sheep gut, are much easier to store- they don't need to be refrigerated or stored in salt water and will last years if kept dry.


The following awards were won by our customers using our spices and seasonings.


Award winning wild lamb & rosemary burger seasoning


Award winning angus burger seasoning

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